16 May 2013

So Many Crochet Projects . . .

. . . but so little time. Well, I guess it's not time I'm lacking--more like an extra set of hands so I can do a couple projects at once! Maybe I should learn to crochet with my feet, but I make enough mistakes with my hands that I think I'll just stick with those for now.  :)

I recently got a shipment from KnitPicks--these are just a few of the beautiful yarns I received (thanks to my dear hubby's generous gift certificate!):

 Aren't they pretty?!? I'm actually building up a stash of these yarns, mostly Shine and Comfy. The ones pictured above are all sport weights, but I've also been buying fingering weight and DK weight. I have great plans for some really amazing grannies, ranging from itty bitty to pretty darn big. I love, love the feel of these cotton-blend yarns, and they're very affordable (especially compared to similar yarns I've found locally), and the colors make me incredibly happy!

Until yesterday, this was the project I was working on (this is NOT made with the yarn pictured above--this is Vanna and Simply Soft). Yet another ripple blanket. Yes, I get stuck in crochet ruts. (I just realized how wrinkly and wonky the blanket looks in the picture--in real life, it lays very nice.) Anyway, I wanted to mix lots of colors in with gray, and I loved the way it looked in my mind. The reality of it, however, is a little disappointing--I'm not sure I'm fond of my color choices. It's about half done, so I've decided to put it aside for a while and see what I think of it in a few weeks.


This is my newest project--woo hoo!! While I wanted to break away from ripples temporarily, I still wanted something easy--I use crochet for relaxation, and don't want to be concentrating too much. I found a video for a larksfoot stitch blanket here, and I started playing with it yesterday--already it's addicting! I'm planning on sticking with the colors pictured by in a random order (the colors are actually brighter than they appear here--I really need to learn to use my camera!) 

But for the next few days, there will be a break in my crocheting as I get ready for my daughter's WEDDING (!!!) on Saturday! I can't wait to share pretty pictures from the event!

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