25 April 2013

April Showers (Lori)

In just three very short weeks, my daughter (Sarah) will be getting married! (Yikes--that's so soon!!)

 Last weekend, Sarah was honored with a bridal shower, and I thought I'd share a few pictures, especially for our Korean friends who may not be familiar with the tradition of "showers." (The word "shower" is used because we want presents to rain down--so to speak--on the bride-to-be. I know, it sounds strange to me, too!) Usually these parties are girls-only (although it's becoming more common to see "Couples" showers), and are often hosted by relatives in the weeks before the wedding. Many brides will have more than one shower (if you're thinking that American wedding couples seem to get a lot of presents . . . they do!)

The shower thrown by Sarah's aunts was kitchen/cooking-themed, so I crocheted a chef doll (it looks exactly like Sarah, right?), and added her to a pot filled with all sorts of fun kitchen goodies. (I totally overestimated how many spoons, spatulas, and towels it would take to fill the pot, though--which is why there's a second bowl filled with the "leftovers"!)

Sarah had a great time opening presents, most of which were cooking-related (like this tres chic apron) . . . 

. . . but she was also really happy to get a board game from her favorite TV show. (I think she's already thinking of excuses not to cook!)

 Showers are a great excuse to eat too much--we had yummy chicken salad, fruit, and croissants, and then these sweet creations for dessert. (The picture didn't turn out well, but they were cute: the plastic goblets are filled with candy, then topped with a cupcake!)

 Sarah's friends got to help stock Sarah's pantry: they each whipped up jars of dry mixes (to make soup, cookies, cocoa, or brownies) for Sarah--and for themselves. Later on, they just have to add the "wet" ingredients (eggs, milk, or whatever) and they'll have delicious treats!

Friends, family, food, fun . . . it was a fantastic day! And now we'll see if Sarah turns out to be a better cook than her mom (I set the bar very low, so it shouldn't be a problem!).

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