09 April 2013

Rockford, Michigan

Rockford, Michigan, is a quaint town just north of Grand Rapids, and in the summer it's a fun place to eat ice cream and canoe in the river. We (Hanna, Hyunkwan, Lori, and Sarah) spent a day there in February--it was very cold and we couldn't wait to get to the next warm shop! (We'll try it again this summer.)

This is a favorite shop of many of the locals. It's a unique used bookstore called "Reading Books," and a big part of the store is actually an old train! (This is not a good place for someone who's claustrophobic!) The name of the store comes from the game Monopoly, which features the Reading Railroad. Pretty clever, huh?

The aisles are packed with used books of every sort--almost too many to look at! We spent most of our time with the two kitties that call the store "home."


  1. I cannot forget the scene that you never lost any drop of starbucks coffee!!

  2. Hyunkwan, I was thinking the exact same thing! She is very graceful--and loves her Starbucks!
