09 April 2013


Snowy winter nights in Michigan are a perfect time to make sweet s'mores!

For many people, s'mores are a favorite childhood treat (for me, the smell of melting marshmallows takes me back to the years that I was a Girl Scout--we always made s'mores on our campouts!). S'mores are easy to make--they're just toasted marshmallows piled on graham crackers with a chunk of chocolate--YUM!! ("S'more" is a combination of the words "some" and "more"--the idea being that if you have one, you'll want some more!)

It was Hanna and Hyunkwan's first s'more party, so we had to instruct them on the most important part: toasting a perfect marshmallow! (Our fire was a little too hot, and the marshmallows tended to catch on fire.)

Julian and Sarah are demonstrating proper toasting techniques!

The fun (and messy!) part is trying to figure out how to eat the gooey s'more--the marshmallow just oozes off the graham cracker! As you can see, Hyunkwan did his best--though I think he needed some wet paper towels when he was finished!

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